How We Got Started
Established in October 1959, the J.M. Devine Co., Inc. represents the manufacturers of the latest available scientific instrumentation. Throughout the six New England states, the firm began its distribution network with spectroscopy equipment. Instruments such as infrared spectrophotometers, optical emission spectrographs, and vapor pressure and gravity systems were the company’s initial offerings.
Increased Sales
Sales and market preparation steadily increased through the 1960s with the addition of customers such as

Manufacturers Merger
In 1972, Smith Kline Corporation acquired Krautkramer Germany, the owner of Branson Instruments Company, and the two manufacturers merged to form Krautkramer Branson, Inc. The J.M. Devine Co expanded and was incorporated in 1972.
NDT Market
During the 1970s, the rapid growth of the NDT market caused the J. M. Devine Co to broaden its product offerings and acquire additional lines to complement its various NDT technologies of X-ray, ultrasonic, penetrant, magnetic particle, and eddy current.
Products In All NDT Disciplines
At present we provide products in all disciplines of the NDT industry for distribution across all six New England states.